Kia ora tātou.
Ko Maungatautari te māunga.
Ko Waikato te awa.
Ko Ngāti Pākehā tōku iwi.
Ko Shaw tōku whanau.

Kim Forrester

Kim Forrester is a mother, nature lover, global traveller, holistic well-being advocate, and kindness enthusiast. As an award-winning author, educator, and consultant, she combines cutting-edge science with spiritual philosophy to inspire holistic well-being and fullness of living.

She has featured in media throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, and the USA and regularly contributes to well-being and lifestyle publications all over the world. An experienced and engaging speaker, Kim is available to talk on a wide range of wellness and lifestyle topics. 

Her first book, Infinite Mind, was awarded a Silver Medal in the global 2016 Living Now Book Awards. She has earned a Diploma of Positive Psychology and Well-being, and a Diploma of Arts (Philosophy).

Born under the twin gaze of Pirongia and Maungatautari – in Hamilton, New Zealand – Kim has spent more than two decades as a global citizen, living in several countries throughout Europe, Southeast Asia and the Pacific. And yet, in her heart, still has always carried the misty gullies and rolling hills of the Waikato valley.

Kim Forrester
What is Holistic Well-Being?

In recent years, all around the world, there has been a growing awareness of the need for physical and emotional well-being. In schools, homes, hospitals, and workplaces, individuals are beginning to integrate a number of life-enhancing practices into their daily lives.

However, despite this new trend, many wellness practices remain relatively ‘superficial’ – entrenched, as they often are, in the concept of materialism. In other words, we are commonly led to believe that well-being arises from the nourishment of body and brain.

In my work, I advocate for a deeper form of flourishing – one that extends beyond conventional wellness practices to include the ‘whole’ of the human experience. It is currently scientifically accepted that all we consider to be ‘real’ (the physicality of bodies and our world, and the energetic forces we can measure) makes up less than 5% of the universe. In other words, 95% of what is happening to us … 95% of what is in us, of us, and from us … is simply beyond human comprehension.

However incomprehensible these forces may be, it must be accepted that they are likely impacting us. And it is possible that it is here, in this invisible realm of Dark Matter and Dark Energy, that the most profound form of well-being resides: in our creativity and our sense of purpose and destiny; in serendipity and subtle energy; in consciousness and communion with the ‘soul’.

This is why I encourage people to go ‘one level deeper’ on their journey toward well-being and take steps to nourish – not just body and brain – but also that elusive human ‘essence’.


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